Tuesday, December 28, 2010


I've been doing a lot of internet reading lately; mostly other people's blogs, because they're interesting. I've found all kinds of cool stuff too....how to make sugar scrub, a recipe for homemade LOTION bars that i'm really excited about...

Also i've been doing a lot of research on recipes and trying to eat healthier because this holiday season has been murder on my system with all the sugar and whatnot...so i'm going to try and reduce our sugar intake. Among other things. Also need to work on limiting Dan's Caffeine intake as he is drinking (in my opinion) WAY too much coffee...

How was your Christmas?

Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve

Yep, it's that time of year again. We are spending it alone here this year, which i'm actually kinda excited about.

Once i figure out how to make turkey. Lol.

What are You doing for christmas?

Monday, December 13, 2010


Woke up this morning and Dan was talking; i assumed to himself. I come out into the living room and the furniture is all rearranged; i'm like "what are you doing?"

He tells me that Druitt is out of the cage and running around; at the time he was wedged behind the fridge. Now, I've been keeping my two boys in a rubbermaid container with REALLY high sides for two weeks; we still have no idea how he got out of the stupid thing.

So it takes up twenty minutes to get the fridge out far enough that i can get behind it and herd Druitt out to where Dan can get him.

Dan is still mad. Which is funny since Druitt couldn't care less.

So I got the new tank i wanted for the boys. I don't think i'm gonna be able to integrate Morpheus in with the other two because i put them together (with a divider in the middle of the tank; and Druitt started picking on Pascal. Which is a bad thing. So...Hopefully, around my birthday next month Dan will let me buy a 4th, to keep with Morpheus.


Wednesday, December 8, 2010

clean cup clean cup move down move down

Tea is my current obsession. and not the tea you buy from the store, in tea bags, but the loose leaf kind you stick in a fancy teapot. Trust me when i tell you, it really does taste better that way.

I have a shop here in town where i can get a lot of different looseleaf teas, and a website supplies the others i love. I drink quite a bit of it during the day (since i'm not a huge coffee fan) and I've found i can tolerate the caffeine in tea better than the caffeine in coffee (not that i'm ready to try mate, mind you).

Who has fun Christmas plans?

Monday, December 6, 2010

I spent today christmas shopping with dan and cleaning my house; it's nice and clean. I can see the floor in the living room, which is awesome, and the dishes are all done, which is also VERY awesome because the dishes are rarely done the night they get used...

We have the house all decorated for christmas, too; we bought a tree and it's all decorated, and we hung up stockings, which i think is the extent of our decorating, at least for this year.

I bought a new gerbil; his name is Morpheus and he's black, like Tesla was. I'm excited for the middle of the month to come so he can come out of quarantine and bond with my other boys.

I've discovered i'm in love with scented candles; they make my house smell yummy which is nice and i seem to have finally gotten over my allergic reactions to scented...everything. I'm excited about it.

Thursday, December 2, 2010


I finished christmas shopping for dan today...now to do everyone else!

And, the best news is i don't have to sell my car! Missouri let me register it so i don't have to worry about that which is wonderful bc that was not something i needed to be dealing with!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Christmas music? already?

We survived our first thanksgiving; mostly by my not having to cook, lol. one of the families in church invited us over which was nice because i wasn't gonna cook for just two of us. we'd have been eating turkey till Thanksgiving.

Dan went out shopping for black friday and bought us a Wii; we've had a lot of fun with it. he bought me an exercise game and now i can barely walk the muscles in my legs are so sore. a couple more days should take care of that, though.

I was in walmart today, and yesterday, for that matter, and they are already playing christmas music! I mean, really? it's still like a month away! I'm not a fan of christmas music and i don't like being subjected to it for a MONTH...

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

I hate grocery shopping, and this week was really bad...bc let's face it; it's two days before thanksgiving and the stores were PACKED...On the plus side, i bought a pineapple! I'm really excited about it, lol.

Um..in other news...there is no other news. I do a lot of reading these days. watch a lot of tv. Crochet when i have the money to buy yarn.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Time flies...

Dan and i have been married for a month already; i can't believe it's been that long. i'm in the process of trying to find a job bc sitting around at home all day by myself is the most boring thing ever. i need to get out and work again, that's for sure.

Other than that, not much has changed; i know, life is pretty boring. winter is coming here in Missouri, supposedly anyway, seeing as its almost seventy degrees outside, i think winter is a myth lol.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

My furniture and stuff is FINALLY coming today; i'm super excited about not having to sleep on an air mattress anymore seeing as the stupid thing is killing my back.

Plus, i miss my books.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

For Real?

U-Haul screwed up our order so all my stuff just now left MD so i won't have stuff for like another Week! GRRRR It's super annoying i want a real bed to sleep in! I mean there's not a lot i can do about it but its just irritating you know?

In other news, i went exploring st joseph today which was cool but i hit up three places and it took me less than an hour which is BIZARRE bc let's face it in MD i had to plan SEVERAL hours to go out and do all my shopping....

Other than that i haven't done a whole lot bc i don't have anything to do bc i'm not working and i don't have any stuff so i just lay around and read and watch movies all day....

Well, that and i'm working on exercising more i walked about two miles yesterday and i did 45 minutes of yoga today which was painful...

Monday, October 18, 2010

So...i still don't have any furniture...which is ok but i do miss my books lol

Today i made muffins AND cookies and managed to not burn the house down! which is a minor concern bc my stove is a gas stove and about a million years old. So yes, i am very proud of myself. however, it's now noon thirty and i've cleaned and cooked as much as i can today until time for dinner....now what do i do?

Friday, October 15, 2010

so i got married and now i'm living in ST. Joseph....not that i have any furniture mind you that doesn't come till mondayish....so we eat on the floor and sleep on an air mattress lol....and i won't get my own internets until next week :(

But i'm LOVING it!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Three days and i don't have a clue what's going on...pretty sure i'm just gonna show up saturday and hopefully someone can tell me what i'm doing...i'm so glad my maid of honor has been through this and can explain it all to me lol.

And in four days i start my new life and we start our trek to St. Joseph! I can't believe it!

Friday, October 1, 2010


Well, ok really eight days but close enough...and all i have left to do is print place cards and buy bubbles and put labels on them i am SO freaking glad to be nearly done!

Well, i also still have a ton of stuff to pack. which is icky. but i'm getting there.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Got a DJ
Got music for the ceremony
Got a cake
Got a job for Dan to start next month
Got a HOUSE!
Got a way to move all our stuff to missouri.

Need three weeks to go REALLY REALLY fast so i can get married!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Two weeks till i'm done with my job at the toystore...:)

I might have found a DJ! interviewing him tomorrow.

Making final arrangements for the cake on friday!

Meeting with the pianist and working all that out on friday!

I get a new baby gerbil! Poor pascal needs a friend...

One Month till i'm MARRIED! I can't believe it!

Sunday, September 5, 2010


Saturday, August 21, 2010

So one of my gerbils died today....this is very depressing...I took him to the vet and it turns out he had a serious infection and an abscessed tooth; then he took a flying leap of the exam counter and hit the floor...needless to say that was pretty much it for poor Tesla.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

I'm house sitting this week for a friend and watching their monster dog....thus far i haven't killed him and as he's made a good go at it i think it'll be ok.

Less than two months until the wedding; i'm so ready for it to be over with so Dan and i can get on with the next phase of our lives; whatever that might be. So far we don't know where we will be living or what we will be doing....but that's ok. I trust that God knows what He's doing. Although, i do wish he'd give us mortals down here on earth a clue...

Dan and I have been dating for three years now...yeesh. how time flies! I wouldn't trade it for anything!

Monday, August 9, 2010

At Last!

Dan has been in contact with a church in St. Joseph, Missouri, for the last few weeks, doing interviews and what not....tonight they called and said they want to fly him (and me) out to do a face to face interview! I'm really excited; i hope that he gets hired. It would be really nice if he had a job before we get married...which happens two months from today!

Pray that if this is the right job, that they will offer it to him!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Talk about Insanity...

So this weekend was incredibly long...I spent saturday at Otakon with Meimei and we left about six, went home, and packed, then drove to Norfolk to help Bekx move which was a LONG drive but TOTALLY worth it! Then, we got up at 330 AM on monday morning and drove home so i could be at my babysitting job at 9AM. it was totally worth it....

I've got my wedding flowers picked out and paid for! I'm super excited bc that's one more thing i can check off my list and be done with!

Cake and DJ that's all i have left...and Two months and Six days to go!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

I got contacts today and so far all i've learned is that they're a pain in the butt to put in and take out. the actual wearing part is pretty cool though. In other news, my store is moving so i've been working a lot more than usual which is awesome because it means i'll get a nice fat paycheck :) the fat paychecks are my favorite kind.

And...i'm still making wedding plans. Which is going very slowly bc i have no idea what i want.

Anyway, for all of you who read this (all one of you that i know of) pray Dan finds a job soon! Soon is much better than later!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Pomegranate tea makes your hair purple...

Well, it kinda does. It certainly gave my hair a purplish color...its kinda interesting.

In other news...my room is Clean! Well, kinda. I apparently have more stuff then i have storage space for. I'm working on that but it's slow going. I can't believe how many clothes i have and yet i've taken BAGS and BAGS full to charity...Also, Meimei has an entire new library thanks to me cleaning off my bookshelves.

I still need a florist, a cake, and a DJ for my wedding....

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Details...they're everywhere...

Finally starting to pull some of the wedding details together; it's nice to be getting stuff done although i'm seriously ready for it to all be over! But I've got emails out to cake people as well as the pastor and wedding cordinator for the church so i'm working on getting it done. Also, I ordered my invitations!

Is it October yet?

Friday, July 2, 2010

July? When did that happen?

Seriously, can you believe it' s july already? I certainly can't...i have so much to do and so little time...i've been busy TRYING to get rid of all that stuff i own that i can't/won't/don't need to take with me when I move, and thus far....for everything i get rid of i am convinced two more similar items spawn in it's place. How does so much stuff fit in one room? I'm not even a pack rat! (well, not THAT much of one, anyway).

Otherwise, i work...a lot. which kinda cuts into wedding planning time. I say we overthrow the whole money system and live our lives according to the barter system. it would be much easier. kinda. On paper, at least.


Sunday, June 6, 2010


So, my life in the last two months:

Fiance graduated; i'm so proud of him!

We survived our first job interview, and our first being turned down for said job.


More Work.

Even More Work.

Yeah. that's about it.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

I want a sonic screwdriver!

My latest obsession is Dr. Who....the doctor just regenerated and so i'm still working out how i feel about the new guy. I'm really attached to David's Dr. so we shall see...

Seriously, watch dr. who. its funny.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

times fun when you're....

yes. it is two weeks later. and yes, i have yet to finish the skirt. i did manage to start it though! so far my thoughts on it are as follows: 1. Ruffles are hard. 2: my mom's sewing machine is a beast.

Everyone who reads my blog should go watch Dr. Horrible's Sing-a-Long Blog. right now.
(yes. shameless promotion.)

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Experiment 1

I've decided to teach myself to sew....not that i've ever been able to do that before but hey, why not? so i found a simple pattern on the internets and i'm gonna try it. My fabric is in the wash right now and i plan on starting tomorrow...i'm super excited!

Monday, March 29, 2010

What happened to spring?

The past couple days have been overcast and yucky; last night it positively DOWNPOURED here, which made driving home interesting since i need new windshield wipers for my poor car....I don't mind the rain i just wish it was a bit warmer so i could go outside and jump in puddles!

I'm four days into my Bible reading experiment and i'm finding that Job is WAY more interesting then i remember it being the last time i read it (which, granted, was like, five years ago). I'm loving getting into God's word on a daily basis and finding something, somewhere, in the chapters i read (usually several somethings) that are applicable to my life.

In other news, check out the worship band The Glorious Unseen. I bought their CD off Itunes and I LOVE it!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Around the Bible in 90 Days

I'm gonna work my way through the Bible in 90 days....and i have a reading plan to allow me to do that! I'm really excited about it....i think the reason i have so much trouble with 'read through the Bible in a year' plans is they take too long. i'm a very impatient person and i want results right away. So I'm excited about this new plan, and excited about all the new and fascinating things just waiting to be discovered about my Wonderful God!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


My wedding is only six months away, give or take....and i'm just getting started planning it and i'm already totally overwhelmed and i'm not having 'fun' and i just want it to be OVER! Really. People who think this is fun are crazy. For real.

On a TOTALLY unrelated note, i finished a book today called Religion Saves, which was both hilarious and insightful, two opposites you don't usually get in a 'christian inspiration' book, lol.

Now i'm reading The Case For Christ. and enjoying it!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

If at first you don't succeed....

Let your blog lie here, alone and untouched, for four months...

Not really. i'm just sporadic. and it's not like anyone reads this anyway :)

Growing up is disappointing. and hard. i want to be seventeen again and have no worries about money, or bills, or anything. but then, if i was seventeen, i'd be sullen, angsty, and depressed again too. maybe i'll take money worries.

But God is good. And He will provide, even in this time of frustration.