Friday, April 22, 2011

I'm feeling crafty...

No, not that kind of crafty. The kind of crafty that requires me to whip out my glue gun and some fabric and create something awesome.

Oh, wait. I don't own a glue gun. Or fabric, for that matter.

Hmmm...I should work on that. I found a tutorial online today for an absolutely adorable fabric flower headband thingy. I think it's cute. And i wants one.

On the other hand, I bought myself a couple scarves to dye and tie in my hair. that i am really excited about. I just need to get kool-aid.

Friday, April 8, 2011

spring cleaning

I'm in the process of spring cleaning; a much needed process in my house. Today, the living room. I vacuumed the WHOLE thing (dan came out and asked me why the couch was blocking the front door...i told him i was rearranging the furniture and i liked it that way). We are moving around our movie bookshelves so that i can FINALLY get the gerbils OFF the floor and up where they can see and i can see them. They're way fun to watch as they dig tunnels and try to escape their cages.

Next to tackle? the KITCHEN! (DUN DUN DUN)

Friday, April 1, 2011

Can you believe it's April already? I certainly can't. Although, in my defense, it did SNOW here last week. and it's been cold. That makes it kinda hard for anyone to believe it could almost be THE MIDDLE OF SPRING.

I'm still busy crocheting; someday i'll take pictures and post all my creations up here. Maybe.

I'm also still attempting to learn the art of menu planning so that i can know ahead of time what i'm making for dinner and make sure I have all the ingredients i need on hand. Also, I make bread now. Tasty, tasty bread. I might give up the store-bought stuff forever. I just need to work out making sandwich bread first. :) I think I'm gonna need to get loaf pans if i'm gonna do that....

Weather, be warm! Please?