You know, it never ceases to amuse me to hit account on this site and have it tell me I'm only managing one blog. I barely keep up with this one. I don't really think I could handle two or more blogs.
Anyway; onto my topic. Wait, I don't have a topic. Well, that might be problematic. Maybe I'll just ramble about my camera. I'm now the proud owner of a pretty Nikon DSLR. Which I use on auto. because, honestly, I have read the manual. and digital photography for dummies. and about a million tutorials online for switching the camera to manual, and adjusting the ISO, and the Aperture, and the....S....Shutter speed, maybe? I don't remember right now. But all those things you're supposed to be able to do to take gorgeously delicious pictures.
And then i close whatever I'm reading, and promptly forget all my newly obtained knowledge. Like which of those three things an f-stop relates to. and which way the numbers are supposed to go. Seriously, I've got the lingo down. I just don't know how to put them together to take a pretty picture. And, hey, the camera has an auto setting for a reason, right?
It's HOT here. Which, I know, was bound to happen sooner or later. Personally, I was rooting for later. Like, in July later. Two months of summer? perfect. I can probably deal with that. Five months of summer? Thanks, I'll pass. I'm definitely more of a cold weather kind of person.
I just put new music on my iPod. Seven whole songs worth. Five of which were from the free section of iTunes. I've found some of my favorite music that way. And a lot of music that wasn't worth the time it took to download. Also a couple of Mumford and Sons songs. Hopefully they live up to the hype. If not...well, they're English. at the very least they'll have awesome accents.
I've been crocheting. Like, a Lot. I'll have to take pictures of the adorable doll I made. Seriously, she's so cute you'll want to keep her forever. plus, she has a ridiculous amount of hair. I'm not even kidding. I got a normal ponytail holder around her hair twice. For reference, I can get a normal ponytail holder around my times. Granted, my hair isn't made out of yarn. I've also made several animals (I actually have people pay me to make them. Which is awesome, because I'm pretty much getting paid to do what i do anyway.) And I've made several shawls in the last month for the church's prayer shawl ministry. That will be on hiatus over the summer, which is awesome, because making something that resembles a blanket in July when it's 105 degrees outside and almost as hot in your house is not pleasant.
Right. I'm gonna stop spewing words out of my fingers now and go curl up with my book. Incarceron, if you're curious. It's kinda Victorian, kinda post-apocalypse, and completely exciting. Plus, I haven't read it before. So I don't know how it's going to end. Well, I do, but only because I read the back of the book first. But I don't know how it's going to get to it's conclusion. That makes it all the more exciting.