Yeah, i realize nearly all my posts are stream of consciousness but hey, i might as well admit it, right?
I made brownies tonight; for once i think i managed to cook them just the right amount of time. My oven is about a MILLION years old and it doesn't like to cook food at an even temperature, which for meat and whatnot is fine but it's a real pain for baking. I have yet to have a batch of chocolate chip cookies turn out decent; they're either hard as a brick or ubersquishy and flat as a pancake. Don't ask me why; i do the same thing every time.
Once a month Dan has the youth staff over to the house for a meeting; hence the brownies. I don't mind so much as it forces me to get up occasionally and actually clean the house. or at least, the part of the house people can see. So, Living room, Bathroom and (kinda) the kitchen.
I bought a rice cooker this week which is AWESOME because i can finally cook rice that turns out edible! My stove, being attached to the aforementioned oven, is also a MILLION years old and has one setting; ON. Makes things like rice very difficult to cook, and i either end up with rice that's burnt to the pan (which is a pain to clean, and I only own the one pot) or rice that's undercooked and crunchy in the middle, which is gross. But; No More! I now have a cute little rice cooker courtesy of Walmart that makes perfect rice every time! And i know, because i've made rice three times in it since monday, lol. (only the first time wasn't perfect, and i'm pretty sure that's due to operator error.)
I'm considering henna'ing my hair again, only with real henna this time instead of the cheap stuff i usually get at whole foods. A) because the nearest whole foods is an hr away, and they don't carry it, and B) because apparently you get a better color with real henna. Who knew? Actually, i probably did but opted to ignore it because the stuff i was using was cheap, and fairly simple to use.
On the other hand, I might grow my hair out and see what kind of fascinating color it turns out to be in it's virgin state. It's years since i've seen that? Maybe longer? No, it can't be longer because i still had natural colored hair when i went to London. So shortly after that, i went red, then brown, then red....then henna which NEVER washes out but it does fade a little if you use the cheap stuff. And if you use the REALLY cheap stuff, it apparently turns your hair green. I was fortunate to avoid that experience. Because my boss probably would have fired me if i'd accidently dyed my hair green.
I had an interview yesterday. I got all dressed up and looked like a real grown up for the first time in...well, ever. I even bought grown up nylons. I think from now on i'll be sticking to my tights because nylons don't do anything to keep your legs warm. I did not, however, wear makeup. Take THAT, socially acceptable standards! Mwahaha.
I've been reading Mercedes Lackey books lately. Because no other book on the face of the planet captures my imagination like hers. I love the story, i love the characters (some, especially) and I love how she weaves them all together.
Yes, that is the real way my brain works. In type. Have fun!