Friday, September 2, 2011


Moving is no fun. Well, actually, i take that back. I think moving is lots of fun. You know, as long as it's once every 2-5 yrs or so. Moving twice in less than a year? Not so much.

But we are busy packing up for our move back to Maryland. And then wherever else God decides we need to live. If that turns out to be California or someplace like that...well...Our couch would, at that point, have something like almost 10,000 miles on it. Which, honestly, is pretty impressive for a couch. They don't usually travel that much. :)

Packing isnt so bad until you get to the kitchen, and you look at all your glass dishes and such, and ok. How am i gonna do this? Because, you know, for all that i've moved, six major moves, I don' think i've ever done a kitchen. I always remember the movers coming in to pack up the dishes so that it would be their fault if they got broken. So i'm still working on figuring that one out. I bet i could find instructions on YouTube.

We sold our dining room table and got rid of our extra fridge. We've packed up books, and DVDs, and knick knacks, and most of our clothes. I foresee a lot more laundry in my future as we are both only keeping out about five days worth of clothing. We've thrown away MORE stuff (seriously. Where does it all come from?) We've filled a bunch of bags of STUFF to take to goodwill. It's pretty much insane.

As a final note; people look at you REALLY funny when you go an start pulling newspaper OUT of the paper recycling bins. But we don't get the newspaper and it makes great packing material.

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