So we went exploring saint joseph yesterday. Mostly because i wanted to take pictures before we moved.
This is a view of the River, looking toward downtown. This overlook would have been really nice if only the car next two us hadn't had a couple scary looking people in it...

This is right along the river. Dan's being goofy, and clinging to the support of a bridge. You know, like spiderman, or something.
Most of this path (riverwalk) was closed due to flooding. It's been over a month since the river receded from overflowing it's banks and there are still huge pools of standing water all over the place. and it smells BAD. stagnant water is kinda gross.
This lovely building is the nature center. I didn't even know saint joseph HAD a nature center. It was however, closed at the time, my guess is on account of flood damage or something. If you notice, the building is raised up off the ground, probably a good 8-10 feet. Definately taller than me, anyway. Not that it's hard to be taller than me. But anyway, it looked like the building might have flooded.