Saturday, August 21, 2010

So one of my gerbils died today....this is very depressing...I took him to the vet and it turns out he had a serious infection and an abscessed tooth; then he took a flying leap of the exam counter and hit the floor...needless to say that was pretty much it for poor Tesla.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

I'm house sitting this week for a friend and watching their monster dog....thus far i haven't killed him and as he's made a good go at it i think it'll be ok.

Less than two months until the wedding; i'm so ready for it to be over with so Dan and i can get on with the next phase of our lives; whatever that might be. So far we don't know where we will be living or what we will be doing....but that's ok. I trust that God knows what He's doing. Although, i do wish he'd give us mortals down here on earth a clue...

Dan and I have been dating for three years now...yeesh. how time flies! I wouldn't trade it for anything!

Monday, August 9, 2010

At Last!

Dan has been in contact with a church in St. Joseph, Missouri, for the last few weeks, doing interviews and what not....tonight they called and said they want to fly him (and me) out to do a face to face interview! I'm really excited; i hope that he gets hired. It would be really nice if he had a job before we get married...which happens two months from today!

Pray that if this is the right job, that they will offer it to him!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Talk about Insanity...

So this weekend was incredibly long...I spent saturday at Otakon with Meimei and we left about six, went home, and packed, then drove to Norfolk to help Bekx move which was a LONG drive but TOTALLY worth it! Then, we got up at 330 AM on monday morning and drove home so i could be at my babysitting job at 9AM. it was totally worth it....

I've got my wedding flowers picked out and paid for! I'm super excited bc that's one more thing i can check off my list and be done with!

Cake and DJ that's all i have left...and Two months and Six days to go!