Sunday, October 9, 2011


Dan and I have been married for a year now; where has the time gone? Of course, that year has been really busy, what with moving twice halfway across the country and back again. We went out for dinner tonight at outback and ate yummy steak.

I got a job at Payless and i start there tomorrow! I'm excited except that I can't wear tennis shoes. So that could be interesting since at the moment tennis shoes are the only comfortable shoes i own. We shall see how i survive. But I am working over thirty hours there this week. I also have a second interview at old navy, to work with the shipping and receiving crew, so i'm optimistic about getting that job as well. I'm pretty sure i can work my schedule so that i can take both.

Dan has an in person interview some time in the next couple weeks with a church in South Carolina, and we are excited about that as well. He also has a Skype interview with a church in Kansas next week, which is also exciting.