Tuesday, December 28, 2010


I've been doing a lot of internet reading lately; mostly other people's blogs, because they're interesting. I've found all kinds of cool stuff too....how to make sugar scrub, a recipe for homemade LOTION bars that i'm really excited about...

Also i've been doing a lot of research on recipes and trying to eat healthier because this holiday season has been murder on my system with all the sugar and whatnot...so i'm going to try and reduce our sugar intake. Among other things. Also need to work on limiting Dan's Caffeine intake as he is drinking (in my opinion) WAY too much coffee...

How was your Christmas?

Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve

Yep, it's that time of year again. We are spending it alone here this year, which i'm actually kinda excited about.

Once i figure out how to make turkey. Lol.

What are You doing for christmas?

Monday, December 13, 2010


Woke up this morning and Dan was talking; i assumed to himself. I come out into the living room and the furniture is all rearranged; i'm like "what are you doing?"

He tells me that Druitt is out of the cage and running around; at the time he was wedged behind the fridge. Now, I've been keeping my two boys in a rubbermaid container with REALLY high sides for two weeks; we still have no idea how he got out of the stupid thing.

So it takes up twenty minutes to get the fridge out far enough that i can get behind it and herd Druitt out to where Dan can get him.

Dan is still mad. Which is funny since Druitt couldn't care less.

So I got the new tank i wanted for the boys. I don't think i'm gonna be able to integrate Morpheus in with the other two because i put them together (with a divider in the middle of the tank; and Druitt started picking on Pascal. Which is a bad thing. So...Hopefully, around my birthday next month Dan will let me buy a 4th, to keep with Morpheus.


Wednesday, December 8, 2010

clean cup clean cup move down move down

Tea is my current obsession. and not the tea you buy from the store, in tea bags, but the loose leaf kind you stick in a fancy teapot. Trust me when i tell you, it really does taste better that way.

I have a shop here in town where i can get a lot of different looseleaf teas, and a website supplies the others i love. I drink quite a bit of it during the day (since i'm not a huge coffee fan) and I've found i can tolerate the caffeine in tea better than the caffeine in coffee (not that i'm ready to try mate, mind you).

Who has fun Christmas plans?

Monday, December 6, 2010

I spent today christmas shopping with dan and cleaning my house; it's nice and clean. I can see the floor in the living room, which is awesome, and the dishes are all done, which is also VERY awesome because the dishes are rarely done the night they get used...

We have the house all decorated for christmas, too; we bought a tree and it's all decorated, and we hung up stockings, which i think is the extent of our decorating, at least for this year.

I bought a new gerbil; his name is Morpheus and he's black, like Tesla was. I'm excited for the middle of the month to come so he can come out of quarantine and bond with my other boys.

I've discovered i'm in love with scented candles; they make my house smell yummy which is nice and i seem to have finally gotten over my allergic reactions to scented...everything. I'm excited about it.

Thursday, December 2, 2010


I finished christmas shopping for dan today...now to do everyone else!

And, the best news is i don't have to sell my car! Missouri let me register it so i don't have to worry about that which is wonderful bc that was not something i needed to be dealing with!