Saturday, March 17, 2012

I'm still here, i promise.

Hello, Blog world.  Long time, no talk!  Mostly on account of I work a lot, and by the time I get home, it's, like, after ten pm and all i want to do is pass out.

Not a whole lot super interesting going on around here.  I'm still working two jobs; Payless and old navy.  Dan is working part time as a cashier at Food Lion, and we are both excited about the extra income!

I'm still busy teaching myself various knitting techniques.  One of these days i'll get around to posting some of the stuff I've done.  Right now, i'm working out how lace works;  I love the idea of lighter weight stuff now that the weather's getting warmer and I won't be able to wear my awesome winter hats for much longer.  And attempting a sweater of some sort is still on my list as well....

Hmmmm....I haven't had much inclination to go out and shoot more pictures lately.  Hopefully, with the nice weather, that will change soon!  There are several places i still want to get photos of....

But I'll leave you with some photos....

 Shot outside at night, in the freezing cold.  A long exposure gives you the sense of movement in the clouds and silhouettes the tree against the moon.
 Early in the morning, also freezing cold.  Sunrise over the bay in Chesapeake beach, MD.
No blog post would be complete without a picture of my awesome husband, who willingly woke up and took me out EARLY in the morning so i could get pictures of the sunrise.