Friday, January 28, 2011

A day in the life...

So it's friday, more than two weeks after I went in for the interview at the bank, and i'm pretty much positive they gave the job to someone else. No big deal. I wasn't that attached to it anyway. I'm busy figuring out how to be a housewife still...

Right now I'm focused on cutting our food budget down and figuring out how to get more food for less money. I'm NOT going to turn into one of those crazy extreme coupon people. Because I think they devote their entire life to it and end up with 300 toothbrushes they'll never need. (true story, apparently, based on some tv show TLC did on extreme couponing.)

Don't get me wrong; i do stockpile certain items that we use all the time, such as laundry soap, dish soap, etc. If i can get them SUPER on sale, that works for me, because then I don't have to buy them for a LONG time, and save a little money that way. And it's not like it's going to go bad...

So i'm working on meal planning; because i feel that if I go to the grocery store with an actual plan in mind instead of just a haphazard 'oh that looks good' i'll spend less money. And waste less food. Food is expensive, which is dumb because we kinda have to have it in order to survive as a species.

I'm also trying to figure out freezer cooking; which, in the extreme case, is spending one day making all your meals for the month. I'm not about to do that. I think it's INSANE. But I do routinely cook up enough for two or three meals at a time and stick the extra portions in the freezer. Because, especially on Wednesday and Sundays; I don't always remember we have to leave early to be at the church for youth group. So I can just pull something out and microwave it, which is awesome.

What are your favorite meals? I'm always open to ideas.

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