Friday, January 14, 2011


We've been in this house for three months now. Three months, exactly, today. Now, granted, we've only had furniture for two and a half of those months. But after three months, it's all I can do to keep the clutter controlled. I haven't bothered to go out and find any awesome decorations. Now, i'm thinking I need to. Because, honestly, my house is boring.

Yes, I know it's a rental. I know I can't do as much to it as I want to since i'm not gonna live here forever and since the house doesn't actually belong to me.

But, surely, there's something I can do. So I scour the internets (you can learn anything from them, I am telling you). So once there's less snow and I can get out, i'm hitting up Hobby Lobby. Because it's my new favorite store. I love to go in there and wander, and wander, and wander. They carry all kinds of awesome craft stuff, and all kinds of BEAUTIFUL home decorating...stuff.

I want a chalkboard. Not a big one, just a fun one that i can hang on the wall and write fun stuff on. And the coolest thing is, you can make your own, thanks to the existence of chalkboard paint. That, and a picture frame, and i'll be set. Oh, I guess i should get chalk, too.

And i want some kind of ornate, wrought-iron decorative thing that has a mirror in the middle.

Because I think they're pretty. I also realize that this thing is WAY too heavy to hang on my wall without nails, and we aren't allowed to put holes in the wall. But, that's not the point. The point is, I want one.

And Meimei is gonna send me a bunch of her art, so I can frame the ones I like and hang them on the walls. I'm really excited about this.

And I'm learning how to use my camera. Because I want to be able to take yummy pictures of everything and everyone I encounter. Not that I have any kind of artistic ability, whatsoever. But I can pretend, right?

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